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References References
Mary L Boas. Mathematical methods in the physical sciences, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme, and Michelle Mosca. An introduction to quantum computing, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007.
Loceff, M. A course in quantum computing (for the community college), Foothill College, 2015.
David McMahon. Quantum computing explained., John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
N. David Mermin. Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Isaac Newton and NW Chittenden. Newton’s principia: The mathematical principles of natural philosophy, Geo. P. Putnam, 1850.
Michael A Nielsen and Isaac Chuang. Quantum computation and quantum information, 2002.
Eleanor Rieffel and Wolfgang Polak. An introduction to quantum computing for non-physicists, ACM Comput. Surv., 32(3):300–335, September 2000.
Hans J Weber and George B Arfken. Essential mathematical methods for physicists, ISE, Elsevier, 2003.
Peter Wittek. Quantum machine learning: what quantum computing means to data mining., Academic Press, 2014.
Noson S Yanofsky and Mirco A Mannucci. Quantum computing for computer scientists, Cambridge University Press, 2008.